Sunday, April 12, 2009

The 3-day learn it all Exam Cycle

My living pattern has officially entered what I like to call the "3-day learn it all exam cycle." It is a select pattern in which I, and a handful of the totally awesome student population unavoidably trudge through during an exam period.

It all starts three days prior to your first exam.

On the first day..
You're in more or less good physical shape and you're not feeling the entirety of the dreaded exam pressure just yet - but you do know it is about time for something to be done. You brush the dust off your textbook, fish out all of your now bible-valued notes gathered via associates and generous note takers that you are now indebted to with an IOU, and you start to reason with yourself how you could have started studying earlier but on the other hand, only because of the pressure of the exam does the miraculous act of staring at a textbook for 36 + hours, occur.

You typically learn about 25% of your course in that one day.

On the second day..
Your state of mind is in a state of semi havoc from a sleepless night due to the mounting pressure continuously emanating from that dreaded first exam. If a semi-all nighter was not in call the previous night, a trip to the convenience store for a back-up "Rockstar" and some instant coffee packets is definitely unavoidable. The beginnings of a prayer may be formulating in the back of your mind.

Another 25% of the course is learned during the second day.

The third and final day..
You're feeling grungy, nervous, excited, and hopeless all at the same time. You kick yourself for grabbing that 15 min study break which naturally extended to 3 hours the day before. The sole reason you are able to be sitting down and reading a textbook at this point is because you know that everyone else is in the same boat - but you also know that boats which are inadequately prepared tend to sink rather quickly.. thank God for life jackets!
But you are a seasoned exam captain. You've done this before and you know to expect for the next 24 hours to be a scene out of "The Perfect Storm". It's normal.

The last 50% of the course has hopefully been imprinted into your brain.

You get through the night and as experience has dictated, you grab some shut eye before walking into the exam. VOILA - You are now done the exam. Drink up, sober up, and head back to the library.

Now repeat "3-day learn it all Exam Cycle" x 5 for an avg weighted course load

In nomine patria et filia et spiritus sancti, let thee ace thy exams! Amen.

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